Write your books in 2023.
As I have said, the 10-day Book Proposal Challenge I took last year with Alison Jones at Practical Inspiration Publishing was inspirational. She has just finished another challenge in 2023, and starts again in April.
To get early bird prices use this link, https://alisonjones.leadpages.co/proposal-challenge/
And check out her Extraordinary Business Book Club, for “those with something distinctive to say”
I was introduced to Alison by a networking colleague Felicity Dwyer whose excellent book Crafting connection, Transform how you communicate with yourself and others was published by Practical Inspiration Publishing” at the end of 2022.
In her acknowledgments Felicity was kind enough to write: “…another special mention for Nick Keith – it was after a talk that you gave on writing at Fabulous Networking Eastleigh that I came up with the initial idea for this book.”
Felicity is a prime example of a very active and successful business person who found a couple of hours every day to write her book. That’s all it takes.
Jill Aburrow, another networking friend, is the author of Redundancy with Love: Getting it right for your people and your business (published by www.rethinkpress.com in January 2023). Jill and I belong to same publishing stable, as Panoma, the publishers of my book Feel it as a man…, are now part of Rethink.
Finally, Slim Chance, my co-authored crime novel, has just been dispatched to our 6 beta readers. We have asked for their comments to our 9 questions (see the previous newsletter - link below) by 14 February 2023. We hope that love is all around.
Contact me for help on any piece of writing you are wrestling with – from a book to a web page.
All the best